Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course

Do you want your child to feel deeply connected with her true self and her feelings?

Do you want to know how you can respond to all of her feelings and behaviours empathically and effectively (in ways that also enhance her long term emotional wellbeing)?

Do you want to understand why your child won't cooperate or sleep, or why he hits or bites or sucks his thumb or wants to eat all the time?

And not only to understand the cause, but what you can do to reduce those behaviours and respond to them at the root emotional cause?

Do you ever feel frustrated, fed up, powerless or enraged when your child has a big tantrum over nothing or won't brush their teeth?

Do you want to know what you can do for yourself so that, in the heat of the moment, you're more able to choose the most empathic and effective response?

Do you want to understand exactly HOW you can set LOVING LIMITS, so that you're actually HELPING your child when they're hitting or biting or pushing or taking or throwing?

Do you want to be able to respond compassionately rather than giving up in powerlessness or getting harsh and punitive?

Do you ever feel frustrated, worried or confused if your child cries?

Do you want to know why crying can be healing at times, as long as you are right there with your child, listening compassionately?

Do you want to know HOW to empathically respond to crying?

Do you want help to be more comfortable with your child's feelings and your own?

Would you like to know how to stay truly present with the full range of your child's feelings?

Do you want to deeply understand what being present as a parent looks like and feels, and how to cultivate more of it?

Do you want to understand WHY children cry and HOW you can help them when they do?

Do you want to help your child sleep without distracting them or leaving them, but through listening to her feelings?

Do you want to understand WHY children act in ways we find challenging?

Do you want to know HOW to respond to challenging behaviour without resorting to distraction, giving up your needs, punishments or harshness?

Have you been searching for a parenting paradigm that you really resonate with?

Have you done your own personal development work, and want to apply what you've learnt to your parenting?

Would you like to BE your own parenting expert - only doing something if it resonates with you and you can see that it is helping your child in tangible ways?

Do you want your child to grow up feeling comfortable with all of her feelings?

Do you want him to come and share his feelings with you when he's a teenager?

Do you want to parent in a way that means your child is much less likely to turn to alcohol or drugs as a teenager?

Do you want to stay connected with your child, EVEN during the tough times?

Are you already familiar with Aware Parenting, but want to dive in deeper and understand how to practice it in all different situations?

Do you love Aware Parenting and want specific knowledge about what you can do to help yourself in each scenario so that you can respond most empathically and effectively?

Do you want to know how you can respond empathically in a way that is not only effective in the short term, but profoundly benefits your child's emotional wellbeing in the long term?

Do you want clear and concise information about how you can respond to tantrums, hitting, not cooperating, crying, and more?

I created the Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course to help you with all of these!

As mothers, we want our children to be happy.

And yet, if we always try to stop our child's uncomfortable feelings, it often doesn't have the outcome we expected.

If we stop our child expressing her sadness, fear, confusion, overwhelm, frustration and rage to us, then she needs to hold all those feelings inside.

Those feelings build up inside her over time and actually lead to the things we find most challenging as parents ~ agitation, 'whining', lack of cooperation and concentration, difficulties going to sleep and staying to sleep, and hitting, biting and throwing things.

Paradoxically, repressing uncomfortable feelings leads to feelings of discomfort, rather than feelings of happiness.

But how do you know when your child is upset because she needs something, and when she's upset when she has feelings to express to you?

And how do you respond to the feelings that come up in you when you see your child is upset? 

If your child isn't sleeping, or isn't cooperating, or is really agitated, how can you help her sleep, cooperate, and be calm and gentle through listening to her feelings?

And what about if he's hitting other kids or throwing his toys around? How do you stop him doing that without being harsh? How do you help him stop in ways that actually HELP HIM express the feelings that are causing those behaviours in the first place?

And most of all, how can you HELP YOURSELF choose to respond compassionately in the moment?

My name is Marion Rose, Ph.D., and I've created the Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course because I'm passionate about helping mothers understand their children's feelings.

With a 30 year background in developmental psychology, psychotherapy and approaches such as Aware Parenting and Nonviolent Communication, I've learnt a lot about feelings over the years, and in particular, how our responses to the feelings of our babies and children shapes their lives.

I've worked with mothers for the past 13 years, and that combined with my own experience as a mother of now 17 and 12 year olds, I've discovered what many mothers need to help them to become the empathic, compassionate and effective mother they want to be.

Learn more about me +

What I love about the approach that I share in the Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course, which comes from Aware Parenting by Aletha Solter, Ph.D., is that it has such a loving way of looking at human beings.

For the last several hundred years, the Western belief about human beings has been that we are born bad, uncooperative and wild, and we need to be taught how to be caring, compassionate, cooperative human beings through punishments and rewards.

That way didn't go so well. The results were guilt, shame, pain, and the same passed on to the next generation.

With the Making Friends with Children's Feelings approach, that belief is turned on its head.

Human beings are born compassionate, connected, cooperative and contributing. We don't need to be taught to be like that.

You're probably asking, "Well, if that's the case, why does my son hit his brother, and why won't he cooperate with brushing his teeth?"

Well, remember what I said above about uncomfortable feelings accumulating?

When feelings accumulate enough, then our children get disconnected from their true selves. They feel the accumulated feelings as agitation in their bodies, which means that they find it hard to go to sleep; they find it hard to cooperate; they throw things and hit or bite or do things that we ask them not to do.

That isn't because they're bad and wild creatures who need us to teach them to sleep or cooperate or be gentle.

It's SIMPLY because they need help letting out the feelings that they're holding in.

I remember when my children were little; like 2 and 6 ~ and we'd go to restaurants.

They would calmly and happily sit at the table.

And often the waitress would say, "Aren't they so well-behaved?"

She was probably thinking that we were doing punishments and rewards; helping teach our children to "behave."

I would often chuckle to myself, remembering all the crying that we had listened to, so that they could let out big chunks of uncomfortable feelings, so that they could return to their natural calm, happy, cooperative selves.

Have you ever noticed that after your child has had a big cry or tantrum with you, that she is relaxed, happy and calm afterwards; more able to concentrate, cooperate, and sleeps more restfully too?

And what about when your child does things that you find challenging, like not sleeping, not putting their shoes on, or hitting her brother?

Do you ever get frustrated and talk in a harsh tone? Or do ever you give up on your needs and values, with the resentment building and building until it all comes out?

In our culture, we're often given two options - either use power-over, or give up.

In Making Friends with Children's Feelings, I'll show you how to set loving limits.

Loving limits are loving, respectful ways of helping children stop challenging behaviours AND expressing the feelings that lie underneath.

Loving limits can be life-changing for parents AND children!

Imagine feeling connected with your child WHILST they do those things that you find annoying, knowing that you have a way to help them stop AND help address the root cause of their behaviour!

How does the course work?

Once you sign up, you get full access to the whole course. That means you can do it in your own time. Each of us is so different, and each of us has our own pace.

The course material is presented in videos, audios and written notes. That way you can choose whatever suits your own personal learning style.

You can access the course for as long as you want and need.

There's a Facebook group that goes with the course, and that's where you'll get to connect with other parents, ask questions, share your challenges and celebrations, and receive empathy and compassion when things are hard.

During live rounds and live trainings, I personally reply to every post in the FB group, and visit the group every day!

At other times, the group is more of a peer support group, so that you can share your experiences with each other.

I know how busy life is as a mother, and this course is designed so you can fit it in to your own unique lifestyle!

What will you learn in the course?

HOW we have three options with feelings ~ expression, repression, aggression;

HOW trying to keep your child happy leads her to feeling agitated;

HOW pent-up feelings lead to the things we find challenging as parents;

HOW you can help your child express her feelings in healthy ways;

HOW to respond compassionately to tears and tantrums;

HOW to help your child sleep through play and listening to crying;

HOW to set loving limits empathically and effectively;

HOW to trust your child's natural healing mechanisms;

HOW to help your child become naturally calm, cooperative and concentrating;

HOW to set loving limits with judgment of yourself and your parenting;

HOW to become more compassionate with yourself.

HOW to choose compassion in the moment, rather than frustration;

HOW to help yourself respond lovingly to your child.

What do mothers like you say about my online courses?

"Marion Rose has inspired so much transformation of relationships in our family! Her work is changing the world! I couldn't recommend her courses enough! She has free and paid courses. We have done both... All amazing and transformational! If you need some parenting ideas / support with tricky kids stuff ... Look no further than Marion's Aware Parenting courses, articles, tips. She has really helped me to connect with the Mama I so wanted to be! Thank you Marion for getting my husband and I on this path." Sammy

"I would recommend this (Power and Powerlessness in Parenting) course more highly than any other parenting course I have ever done. It has changed my life in such profound and dramatic ways and I am SO glad I did it!" Claire

"Marion’ s Inner Loving Presence Process is a beautiful online course that offers so much potential to heal ourselves and the sweet spots that get triggered in us everyday, all in the comfort of your own home! I love Marion's courses and the amazing presence and compassion she offers her course members. I highly recommend signing up!" Sam

"Doing the Aware Parenting Instructor Mentoring Course has been one of the most profound training experiences I have had. It has stirred and helped me heal in every area of my life, but at my pace, whenever I was ready for it. The material is abundant. the growth triggered is deep, and the way it is delivered makes it convenient and easy for busy mums and professionals. I also absolutely relish the connections created through the FB group. I am truly happy to have done it." Maira

"There is such a power in Marion's words and phrasing. She has such an intimate and lucid knowledge of Aware Parenting principles that she is able to express them with deep simplicity. This is a rare gift which makes living the ideology truly possible. I feel privileged to be a part of it. I am really loving the audios in the Aware Parenting Virtual Village. I love Marion's warm, clear thinking. I love partaking in her faith that we (including me!) have a great capacity to parent as we wish - her gentle hand taking me in this audios and saying, "Here. Here is your capacity." It is not just a philosophy, but a deeply practical resource." Hera

"Hi Marion, this (Love Being a Woman) course has really tapped into all of those places in me that were looking to be seen.  Some things were already a part of my beliefs and the course encouraged me to explore and really live and love them.  Other parts gave me a total reframe connecting with what I truly want for myself and my life.  There were some ups and downs over the 50 days.  Now that I've completed the course,  I really feel like I am more connected and in alignment with my truth and the essence of how I want to continue to live my life.   It really does feel like this was made for me.   I'm full of inspiration. " Cat

"Dearest Marion, taking part in your Love Being a Mother Course has been such a precious and decisive step in my journey as a mother! I am thinking of it so often and keep going back to the material. It has given me perspectives, practical tools and confidence in approaching everyday challenges in an appreciative way and seizing the potential of growing along side with my children, not only as mother but also as woman. Experiencing the support, compassion and belonging in the online community has been an amazing "extra" to the course! I am thankful for that experience. Life changing! Thank you!" Corinne

"Marion Rose I want to acknowledge how incredible the resources are here and thorough the entire (Attachment Play) course is. You are amazing!! wowzers.. it is so evident your level of awareness and experience working with children and also adults awakening and listening to their own inner child. I had read through most of the e book, rushed ahead wanting to try everything straight away.. But by then listening to the audios and going through all the materials visually as well, and of course PRACTICING it has taken my own understanding and awareness to another place. There is a lot of healing going on in our home, but also us 'adults' are really bumping up against those old held belief patterns that are almost reinforced daily by society and our communities. To speak with others here with the same language and resonance is like waking up from a bad dream and coming home to what our true reality is. Happy and co-creative playful beings!! Beyond refreshing and I feel a deep deep heart warming gratitude to be here. Coming back to aware parenting after going in circles for years has been like coming home. I guess it takes time for these principles and beliefs to really take root within us and mature and literally reprogram our dna. Blessings!!! xxxx" Kahmen

"I once heard Marion say that the turning point for her aware parenting journey was when she started applying the principles to herself and her own life. This is what (the) Living Aware Parenting (Course) gave me… It gave me the questions and reframes to look at why I react to certain situations with my children, what they remind me of and how to really listen to them compassionately. The interesting thing about aware parenting is that it is not a technique, it is a way of authentically relating to our world and loved ones. Which requires us to look at our own conditioning so we can get on with being those lovely open vessels of love for our children to come to us with what ever it is that they need us for in the moment. Before the Living Aware Parenting course I was acutely aware of the repeated sweet spots and control patterns my children had, but I never considered turning the spot light on myself for a little while to see the roots of where they might be actually coming from. Especially considering children are our mirrors and that how we interact (example) being the greatest teacher… A great little course for some personal house cleaning and support to take your aware parenting that next step further and maybe getting some insights into patterns or upsets that just don’t seem to go away. " Kahmen

Would you like a sneak peek of the course?

Here's a screenshot of the HUB page.

In the hub, each square takes you to a different section of the course - and each part is available in audio, video and PDF versions!

I made the Making Friends with Children's Feelings Course because I want to help mothers make friends with their children's feelings! The more we can be present with a wider range of our child's feelings - including sadness and overwhelm, the more they stay connected with themselves and with us.

We can stop working so hard repressing their painful feelings, and we're less likely to feel frustrated, because they feel calmer, more connected, and more cooperative.

When you know how to listen to tears and tantrums, when you know how to set loving limits, and when you know how to help your child feel more relaxed to sleep through play and listening, then life as a mother becomes a whole lot more enjoyable! If you want to come and join us, and your child is 1-8 years old, I'd love to see you inside the course!

"Marion, it is your compassion for mothers, your wholesale acceptance of the challenges we face and your spaciousness around each person's journey that helps me let Aware Parenting in. For me, you translate something which could be rigid, into something fluid and adaptable. You bring it to life. Real life. Our raw, flawed lives. Our 3D lives with our own hurts and needs. Without that, it would just be words on the page for me. Much gratitude and love, Anne."

"This is one of my favourite and most unexpected outcomes from my Aware Parenting journey and all of Marion's courses I have done over the years. I don't know if I thought I'd become this ideal parent who gets it right all the time (present time, attachment play, etc.). Instead, I'm probably about the same, albeit with more ideas and strategies BUT I've inadvertently let go of all those expectations and have found myself with far more resources to actually do those things authentically and the kids respond so beautifully to my authentic flaws." Jaclyn

"I am really grateful for all that you offer, Marion. In both your paid and free courses. It's my perspective that you are very generous to offer such things to the world (especially the free ones that you clearly have also invested much time and energy in. I see you shining such a light into parenting and motherhood that I really believe will create so much more awareness, presence, compassion, peace, growth, understanding and love for the children of this world (and to the parents themselves!!) I so appreciate and respect that. You bring so much to my world. So much love to you, Elly."

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Here's another sneek peak from the course!!